a believer's journey through spiritual formation

Category: Spiritual Formation

  • The Word-Centered Life

    The Word-Centered Life

    The Evangelical Tradition Excerpts from E. Stanley Jones, Sadhu Sundar Sigh, Francis of Assisi, Madame Guyon John Chrysostom, Charles Spurgeon, and Watchman Nee Richard Foster states that the Evangelical Tradition is calling people to turn to Jesus. “We are inviting people to believe in Jesus by becoming his disciples, and as his disciples to enroll…

  • The Compassionate Life

    The Compassionate Life

    Social Justice Tradition Excerpts from William Temple, John Woolman, Hannah Whitall Smith, Jeremy Taylor, Elizabeth O’Connor, John Wesley, Catherine of Siena and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Richard Foster discusses three great themes that are rooted in the Social Justice Tradition: mishpat “justice”, hesed “compassion”, and shalom “peace”.[1] I found these to be relevant in our current worldly…

  • The Spirit-Empowered Life

    The Spirit-Empowered Life

    The Charismatic Tradition Excerpts from Thomas Kelly, Catherine of Genoa, George Fox, Ignatius of Loyola, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Isaac Penington, and John Bunyan  “We were created to live our lives in cooperation with another reality.” These are the words used by Richard J. Foster as he defines the Charismatic Tradition in Streams of Living Water.…

  • The Virtuous Life

    The Virtuous Life

    The Holiness Tradition Excerpts from Gregory of Nyssa, Richard Rolle, John Calvin, Blaise Pascal, Thomas a Kempis, William Law, and Teresa of Avila. In this post, we are looking at the Holiness tradition through Devotional Classics. Often, spiritual formation is compared to a long journey or even a marathon. During long stretches of growth, we…