Encourage One Another
Continuing to look at what Jesus has commanded us to do, Love one another, even as I have loved you. In the last post, we discussed when we edify, we learn, teach, and seek to hold each other accountable. Encouragement is defined as the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope; it is the part where we walk beside our friends on their journey back to God.
Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today”, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
Hebrews 3:13
When I think about encouragement, I reflect on how I have been encouraged in my marriage. It is an area in my life where I need Godly encouragement regularly. I can sometimes slip into resentment when it comes to my relationship and my life as it is now. To give a little insight, I have been married for 14 years, and we have moved so often that my children talk about the next place to live instead of living in the present. The most extended place we have ever lived was just short of 4 years.
Wise Encouragement
At the beginning of our marriage, a wise woman told me not to dwell on the mundane. Don’t fight or be concerned with who takes out the trash. There will be more challenging issues, and the silly ones do not matter in the grand scheme. She gave me a book, The Language of Love and Respect.
Additionally, a few years later, we had just moved after only being at our last duty station for a year. I was feeling less than thrilled. I could feel the hard feelings towards my husband building. It was almost November; I was in a Bible study, and the teacher pulled me aside. She stated that she was getting ready to start her November prayer calendar. Using The Power of a Praying Wife, she prays for her husband for November. Well, it turned out that she had two copies and prayed about who she should give the second copy. My name came to her mind.
Now, I must say I didn’t interact with her that much. Her class was large, and we were separated into small 4-5 person groups. Well, I didn’t think much of it. I said thank you and reluctantly took it home. November 1st came, and I did the first chapter. I continued through the month and sent her little progress emails. Meanwhile, I began to feel a change; my heart had changed. I could feel a softness, the bitterness subsided, and my interactions with my husband weren’t strained.
At both points, I needed something I couldn’t get by myself. I needed a push in the right direction, reassurance that God was still working in my life. I needed someone to edify and encourage me along the way.
Take Heart!
God knew that we would need encouragement. The world is a hard place.
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
We live in a broken world; we are not promised an easy life. 1 Peter 4:12, John 15:20, 2 Timothy 3:12, James 1:2-3
Encouragement is Hope
Encouragement is shared with the hopes that it will lift someone’s heart toward the Lord. (Colossians 4:8) It points out evidence of grace in another’s life to help them see that God is using them. “It points a person to God’s promises that assure them that all they face is under his control.” [1]
Biblical encouragement isn’t a one-size-fits or a right way vs. a wrong way. I will say that Biblical encouragement is based on scripture and loving others. We encourage because we love, as He has loved us.
Here are a few ideas to help you facilitate encouragement.
- Pray for God to make you an encourager. Pray for God to show you, someone, to encourage.
- Study people in the Bible or other historical people.
- Barnabas
- Martin Luther
- John Wesley, etc.
- Be active, be aware/be watchful.
- Be present.
- See those around you.
- Choose kind words.
- Meet a need.
- Share lessons learned.
- Value the contributions of others.
- Walk alongside someone after admonishing.
- Forgive
[1] Garrett Kell, 9 Marks, “Encourage One Another: Giving Grace with Your Words,” https://www.9marks.org/article/encourage-one-another-giving-grace-with-your-words/